Welcome Biswas Imports! Before engaging in any transactions with us, we kindly ask you to review our terms and conditions. These terms are designed to ensure clarity, fairness, and a smooth experience for both you, our valued customer, and us. By using our services, making a purchase, or engaging in any form of transaction with Biswas Imports you signify your agreement to these terms and conditions.
- Full Payment within 10 Days: Customers are required to clear the full payment within 10 days from the purchase date. This ensures timely processing of paperwork and a seamless delivery experience.
- Car Loan Considerations: For customers seeking car loans, it’s important to secure a purchase order from the bank within 20 working days. Failure to do so may result in booking cancellation, and advances will not be refundable as per company policy.
For pre-orders, we have a structured payment schedule to facilitate a transparent and efficient process:
- Faults Before Delivery: In the event that ‘Biswas Imports’ is responsible for any faults prior to the vehicle’s delivery, the customer will receive a full refund.
- Cancellation Due to Customer’s Personal Problem: If the customer is unable to proceed with the car purchase due to personal reasons, a 10% charge will be deducted from the total value of the car.
- Advance Payment Refund: If the customer’s advance payment is less than 50,000 BDT and the our car is found to be without any faults or damage, the customer will not receive a refund of their advance payment.
We are committed to providing transparent terms and conditions to ensure a fair and satisfactory experience for every customer. We encourage you to ask questions, seek clarifications, and engage with us to make your car buying journey as smooth as possible.